Assignment |
Senior Lecturer |
![]() ![]() |
Qualification |
Mathematics-Geography teacher (1997, ELTE) |
Scientific Degree |
PhD (2004);Habilitation (2014) |
Language Skills |
English, French |
Research |
Karst research, Volcano Morphology, Digital Terrain Analysis, Human-Environment Relations |
Contact |
Location: Southern Block 1.211 Phone: +36 1 3722500/1803 E-mail: telbisztom[at] |
Introduction to Mathematics and Analysis (theory)
Astronomical Geography (theory)
Computer-aided Presentation Techniques
Geography of Internal Forces
Geography of External Forces
Digital Terrain Models
Statistical methods in Physical Geography
Hydrologic Modelling
Modelling of Karst Processes
Field Practice
Digital Terrain Analysis of Karst Terrains (PhD course)
Scientific Public Life
Hungarian Geographical Society, member (1997-);
Hungarian Karst and Speleological Society, member (2005-);
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee on Geography II, Geoinformatics (2012-); Geomorphology (2012-)
Prizes, Awards, National Scholarships
1997: Excellent Student (ELTE TTK);
2000: Publication Award (Természet Világa) 1st prize;
1998, 2003: Publication Award (Természet Világa) 3rd prize;
2004: Publication Award for Young Scientists (Hungarian Geographical Society);
2006: Supplementary Postdoctoral Scolarship (Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture)
2012: Bolyai Grant (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Selected Publications
Telbisz T., Bottlik Zs., Mari L., Petrvalská A., 2015: Exploring Relationships Between Karst Terrains And Social Features By The Example Of Gömör-Torna Karst (Hungary-Slovakia). – Acta Carsologica, 44/1, pp. 121-137.
Karátson D., Telbisz T., Harangi Sz., Magyari E., Dunkl I., Kiss B., Jánosi Cs., Veres D., Braun M., Fodor E., Biró T., Kósik Sz., von Eynatten H., Lin D., 2013: Morphometrical and geochronological constraints on the youngest eruptive activity in East-Central Europe at the Ciomadul (Csomád) lava dome complex, East Carpathians. – Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 255/1, pp. 43-56.
Telbisz T., Mari L., Imecs Z., 2012: Torockói-hegység völgyhálózat-fejlődése. – Földrajzi Közlemények, 136/1, 22-36.
Telbisz T., Kovács, G., Székely, B., Karátson, D., 2012: A sávszelvény-elemzés (swath analysis) módszere digitális terepmodell (DTM) alapján. – Földtani Közlöny, 142/2, 193–200.
Karátson, D., Telbisz T., Wörner, G., 2012: Erosion rates and erosion patterns of Neogene to Quaternary stratovolcanoes in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes: An SRTM DEM based analysis – Geomorphology, 139-140, 122-135.
Telbisz T., Mari, L., Szabó, L., 2011: Geomorphological characteristics of the Italian side of Canin Massif (Julian Alps) using digital terrain analysis and field observations – Acta Carsologica, 40/2, 255-266.
Telbisz T., 2011: Large-scale relief of the Slovak Karst and Aggtelek Karst (Gömör-Torna/Gemer-Turňa Karst) – a DEM-based study – Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (Földrajzi Értesítő), 60/4, 379-396.
Karátson, D., Telbisz T., Singer, B., 2010: Late-stage volcano geomorphic evolution of the Pleistocene San Francisco Mountain, Arizona (USA), based on high-resolution DEM analysis and 40Ar/39Ar chronology –Bulletin of Volcanology, 72/7, 833-846, DOI 10.1007/s00445-010-0365-8
Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs., Fodor L., Horváth E., Telbisz T., 2009: Discrimination of fluvial, eolian and neotectonic features in a low hilly landscape: A DEM-based morphotectonic analysis in the Central Pannonian Basin, Hungary – Geomorphology, 104/3, pp.203-217, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.08.014
Timár G., Telbisz T., Székely B., 2003: Űrtechnológia a digitális domborzati modellezésben: az SRTM adatbázis – Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55/12, pp.11-15.
Gábris Gy., Telbisz T.., Nagy B., Belardinelli, E., 2003: A tiszai hullámtér feltöltődésének kérdése és az üledékképződés geomorfológiai alapjai – Vízügyi Közlemények, 84 / 3, pp.305-322.
Karátson, D., Sztanó, O., Telbisz T., 2002: Preferred clast orientation in volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits: application of a new photo-statistical method – J. of Sedimentary Research, 72 / 6, pp. 823-835.
Cumulative Impact Factor: 17
Independent Citations: 214
Selected Research Grants
Investigation of fulvic acid transport by karstic infiltration using data from the Aggtelek Karst monitoring system (2001-2005, OTKA, research member);
Volcanological research in the North Hungarian andesitic volcanic mountains (2003-2006, OTKA, research member);
Comparative volcano sedimentological and paleogeographical study of Hungarian Miocene volcanism (FKFP, research member);
Study of recently recognized karst corrosion factors on Japanese and Hungarian karst terrains from an environmental point of view (2001-2002, TéT, research member)
Complex (physical- and human geographical) comparative analysis of karst and non karst landscapes from the viewpoint of modern environmental possibilism (2012-2015, OTKA, research member)
Eruptive rates and erosional dynamics of the Inner Carpathian volcanism as constrained by volumetry, radiometric chronology and paleomagnetism (2015-2019, OTKA, research member)
Analysis of Human-Environment Relationships on Karst Terrains Using GIS Methods (2012-2015, MTA Bolyai)